Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream....

We are a loose group of paddlers around Watertown South Dakota. This blog is a meeting place to coordinate trips and share information. We are at the heart of many miles of the Big Sioux River and hundreds of lakes and wetlands to explore.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Night Paddle

Last night about 8pm, I put in on the west end of Lake Pelican after a couple of warm-up stretches. The lake was completely flat and not even the hint of a breeze as I pulled away from the shore, sighting on the north ramp about a mile away. As I worked through the initial soreness of my arms and shoulders, the kayak knifed through the surface waters, effortlessly sliding through with barely a paddle stroke needed to push. Daylight continued to fade so I hooked up my nav light and switched it on, its pale glow not interfering with the stillness of the evening. Dark purple chased the pastel blues across the lake as a half full moon lighted my passage. Making my turn and crossing to the south shore, dodging mats of weeds, hitting my groove and listening to my favorite paddle tunes playing softly on the mp3 player.

The crossing complete and now on the homeward leg of the night’s journey, full dark has descended. I take my bearing from a known yard light and carefully count the warm glow of light twinkling from the windows of the neighbor hood houses. I get too close to a small family of Canadian geese who protest the intrusion loudly taking off in search of a more secluded area. The silence of the lake enhances my sense of solitude, my world shrinking to nothing more than the rhythm of the paddle.

I beach my kayak at the takeout surprised that I am done so soon but with the great feeling of peace that only quiet reflection and meditation can provide. I make a few stretches to work the kinks out and try to focus on the moment to carry the feeling through the rest of the week.....

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